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Clean Code : A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Written by: Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)

Here, notes related to the book Clean Code are provided, so they may be helpful to me and others in the future.

Chapter 1 - Clean Code

  • The Bad Code; it can bring down a company.
  • LeBlanc's law: Later equals never.
  • The Grand Redesign in the sky.
  • Attitude, Bitter pill, Hand-washing physicians, The Primal Conundrum(puzzle), keep the code clean to go fast.
  • The Art of Clean Code; Code-sense
  • Bjarne Stroustrup likes his code to be elegant and efficient.
  • Grady Booch, Dave Thomas, Michael Feathers, Ron Jeffries, Warn Cunningham provide their thoughts on Clean Code.
  • The School of Thoughts of Uncle Bob.
  • We authors read more than write.
  • Boy Scout Rule - Leave the campground cleaner than you fount it Check-in code a little clean than when we check-out, to prevent code rot.
    • Change one variable name for better
    • Break up a little too large function
    • Remove one duplication
    • Clean up a composite if statement
  • This book is prequel of Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices (PPP) book written by Uncle Bob.

Chapter 2 - Meaningful Names

  • Use Intension-Revealing Names